No Alexander Blonz in World Cup 2025

A knee injury and other issues prevents Alexander Blonz from taking part in the World Cup on home ground. The wing player confirms his absence to VG.

– I can´t play the WC. That´s a done deal, he says to the newspaper.

Blonz was included among the 18 selected in Jonas Willis squad a couple of weeks ago. As the host nations prepares for the tournament with friendly games in Castellon, Spain the 24 year-old goal producer has to withdraw.

– Obviously it’s sad. In addition some other things has happened which prevents me from playing World Cup. That will be announced during the upcoming weeks, Blonz comments to VG without revealing the exact business of the ”other things” – except for the fact that his danish club GOPG will provide the information.

Source: Alexander Blonz melder forfall: – Jeg spiller ikke VM