Emilie Hegh Arntzen new in Ikast

Emilie Hegh Arntzen has a career bost in sight. For Ikast HB the arrival of the Norwegian back court player next summer suits the CL squad.

– Emilie fits perfectly into what we have been looking for. She is a player with great and good physique in the defensive, at the same time she will be an important player for our transition game, says the club manager Daniel Grønhøj to the club webpage.

Hegh Arntzen has played for several too sides, including Vipers Kristiansand lifting the international trophy and a four year stint in CSM Bucharest.

With five national team titles, Arntzen is still hoping that the summer transfer might lead to a comeback in the Norwegian jersey. After all, the latest championship for the 31-year-old was Euro 2022.

– I am very much looking forward to becoming part of the team and new challenges in the Danish league. I of course hope that we will play in the Champions League in the coming season and I am still very hungry to develop as a handball player. I hope and believe that I will do that at Ikast Håndbold, Arntzen says to the club website after agreeing on a two-year deal.

Source: Norsk profil skifter til Ikast Håndbold