The Danish international Anne Mette Hansen moves between Champions League contenders. Starting in 2025/26 the back court star will represent CSM Bucharest, the Romanian club announces on their webpage.
Hansen has a record of choosing strong sides. Her first club outside of Denmark, Györi ETO KC developed her left back talent for six seasons (2017-23) after which she decided to switch to Metz HB and France.
Bucharest gains the experience of a player who has reached several finals in Champions League with two titles so far.
– I am happy to join CSM Bucharest for the next two seasons. It is one of the biggest clubs in Europe and I have always enjoyed playing here as an opponent. Now I can’t wait to play for CSM, this time with the fans in the stands on my side. I really hope I can help the club achieve its goals both in the domestic championship and in the EHF Champions League, she says to the club webpage.
Bucharest should have a major role in store for Hansen, as their most prominent player Cristina Neagu ends her career in the spring.