Vipers survives economic crisis

There has been a lot of talk about Vipers Kristiansand lately, but not much has been about their ability to play handball. Its has been about their survival as a club. But now it seems like their fight is over.

With three Champions League titles in a row everything should be fine at the club, but for Vipers, that hasn’t been the case. With threats of bankruptcy and decreased budget of around 400,000 euros, the Norwegians has had it rough. The crisis has forced both players and the staff to take pay cuts, leading the club to seek funds through begging on social media.

But now it seems like their fight for survival is over. In a press release earlier today, February 16th, Vipers Kristiansand said that they have received enough money to no longer be in economic danger. The donations has come from a variety of big companies and private persons.

Benedicte Løyland, Vipers general manager, says in the press release that he is incredibly grateful for all the support.

– Both small and large players have contributed, and we are so proud of the large Vipers family, both on and off the pitch, who have saved the club, said Løyland.

Løyland continues, saying that the club and the players has reached an agreement so the club can reduce its costs and survive.

– The club has to reduce costs for the rest of the season and this was an important step in the right direction. I must praise both the players, the coaching team and the administration, who have all realized the seriousness and were absolutely clear that we will manage this together.

Source: Pressemelding