Samir Benghanem suffers serious knee injury

Samir Benghanem had to endure a painful end to his championship effort with Netherlands. The pivot was hit hard during the game against Sweden, and the dutch federation (Handbal NL) confirms a cruciate ligament injury.

Benghanem remained on the floor after the contact with a defender. Already the fact that the national team player had to be carried out on a stretcher indicated an ominous injury report.

Status for the 30-year-old who scored three goalsis unquestionably no more action in the EC, Benghanem will have to rehabilitate for nine to twelve months after an operation.

National coach Staffan Olsson strengthens the team with

(Kembit-Lions) after the injury blow. Denmark, Norway, Slovenia and Portugal is next up for the Netherlands schedule-wise. 

Source: Benghanem niet meer inzetbaar op het EK vanwege kruisbandblessure