Previous coach takes Bergischer to court

Jamal Naji was let go from the head coach position in Bergischer HC during the spring season. The decision has led to a legal process, where the trainer has sued the club, according to Solinger Tageblatt.

The decision to switch coach was made after twelve straight losses for the Bundesliga team. Still, BHC couldn’t avoid relegation and the 2024/25 edition starts in 2. Bundesliga with Fabian Gutbrod in the responsible role.

In the article by Solinger Tageblatt, Naji makes no comment regarding the case. However the  labour court confirms a court hearing for October 1st.

– I can’t go into detail, but that’s true. In the end, it’s about him believing that his contract, which only applied to Bundesliga, is also valid in the second league, says Bergischer´s managing director Jörg Föste to the newspaper.

– We naturally see it differently – contracts tied to the league are part of everyday business in professional sport. And his contract has a clear clause, he continues.

Source: Ex-Trainer Jamal Naji klagt gegen den Bergischen HC