After more than a decade in Füchse Berlins jersey Paul Drux is forced to step off the pitch. The agony doesn’t stop there, a recent knee injury stops the 29-year-old from any further effort in professional handball.
Füchse Berlin´s homepage presents the negative news. Drux was injured during training last week and the medical review leads to drastic conclusions.
– The results of the examinations are very devastating for me, I have to process this for myself first. I am very grateful for what I was able to experience and achieve in active handball as a player. Now, after the upcoming operation and rehab, I will calmly think about the next steps together with my family, says Drux to the club webpage.
As a backbone in the backcourt squad, Drux acted as captain of Füchse Berlin for four seasons. Titles in Super Globe, European Cups, the DHB Cup and the German Supercup highlights his career involving a Champions League campaign and 127 caps.
– Paul’s retirement is very sad news, we are devastated. But it is certainly sadder for Paul himself than for the Füchse, because it is a hard fate for him personally.
– You would prefer to decide the end of your career yourself, but if it ends in a way that is determined by others, that is tragic. Paul did everything he could to come back, says Berlin’s sporting director Stefan Kretschmar and includes a hope that Drux might work in another capacity within Füchse in the future.
Source: Schwere Knieverletzung zwingt Paul Drux zum Karriereende