Melsungen in last second win over Leipzig

Both Thursday games became close calls with goals in the final seconds leading to a tie and two points for MT Melsungen respectively. All in all the involved teams from the mid-region experienced moral boosts when they managed to shake up the two best ranked in Bundesliga.

Erik Balenciaga scored with three seconds to go to give MT Melsungen maximum reward. But Leipzig was am ever-present threat with a three-goal lead for the home team in the first half and being able to come back for an equally big deficit after the break.

Luca Witzke and Viggo Kristjansson took turns with power shots for Leipzig while Melsungen proved to be most dangerous when creating space for the left back Aaron Mensing. 

It was impossible to separate HSV Hamburg from TSV Hannover-Burgdorf in the final standing. Since no team could produce an advantage exceeding two goals, 32–32 made very much sense. Casper Mortensen´s rapid wing movement led to eight goals for Hamburg, in Hannover Renars Uscins energy produced an impressive 13 goals.

HSV Hamburg–TSV Hannover-Burgdorf 32–32 (15–15)
SC Leipzig–MT Melsungen 27–28 (14–13)