Board members step down in HSV Hamburg

A lot of twists and turns occurred before HSV Hamburg could keep the place in Bundesliga. But the turmoil took its toll – several board members have resigned according to the club webpage.

Economical issues put Hamburg in danger of not acquiring a league license. A few months after clearing the last hurdle an organizational change is announced.

The club president Marc Evermann, vice president Martin Schwalb and cashier Stephan Harzer will depart from the board.

– It was a great honor for us to be able to play a key role in shaping the past few years of the Handball Sport Verein Hamburg as the executive board, says Evermann to the club webpage.

Evermann, club president for eight years, will still play a part for the club as a major shareholder and sponsor.

A supervisory board, with Wilken Möller and Philipp J. Müller as well as André van de Velde, Timo Glave and Kay Spanger has been formed in Hamburg.

Source: Vereins-Rettung, Weltrekord und drei Aufstiege: Nach erfolgreichen acht Jahren legen Präsident Evermann, Vize Schwalb und Schatzmeister Harzer ihre Ämter nieder