GOG still on top in Denmark

With seven wins in a row GOG is definitely the team to beat in Denmark’s Herreligaen. The table number one put on a display of offensive force and celebrated after an away triumph at KIF Kolding, 32–23.

Kasper Christensen´s team is still unbeaten and added no fuel for the local rivalry to disturb the nerves. Kolding didn’t lead the Friday game at any point, instead Tobias Grondahl played another first class game as centre back with seven goals for the guests. 

Bjerringbro-Silkeborg on second place is four points shy of the leader, but was content with the recent effort (29–25 towards Sonderjyske HB. The newcomer and solid back court ace Rasmus Lauge reached nine goals but Sonderjyske´s sole star Nicolaj Jorgensen fared even better with twelve goals.

The top scorer list shows Jorgensen (71) in unthreatened lead, Lauge (49) has a close call with Grondahl in the all-playmaker race.

KIF Kolding–GOG 23–32 (11–16)
Sonderjyske HB–Bjerringbro-Silkeborg 25–29 (8–14)